Prof. Shiv Shankar Mishra
Head of Department
Professor, Department of Research
01.06.2024 to 31.05.2027
About the Department
Research plays an important role for the National development as well as for the well being of the society. In this University there is a separate department for Research. Since its inception, this department has tried to support and promote the research activities for its research scholars as well as faculty members for carring out research in traditional Shashtras. This department arranges lectures and organizes workshops on Research Methodology, Research Ethics and Manuscriptalogy for Ph.D scholars with the association of faculty members working in various departments of the university.
With the initial focus on traditional Shastra and other related disciplines, the ambit of research work in the university has been expended to include both critical analysis and comparative analysis resarch. The University conducts six month pre Ph.D. course in regular mode in compliance of UGC Regulations as amended from time to time.
Research Department has also looking after the activities related to planning, monitoring and enriching the research activities in the University through the Research Advisory Committee. Accordingly its activities are broadly research centeric compiling, publishing and disseminating scholarly contribution and publishing original books which have potential for adding to the fresh interpretation of knowledge relating to the oriental and modern cinematically to promote the publication of the research findings in various disciplines, propagating knowledge to make available through ongoing researches.
The Department has the responsibility of bringing out the University's research journal, Shodh Prabha and news bulletin Vishwavidayalaya Varta. The journal contains research related information about ancient unpublished manuscripts, book-reviews of new publication.
The Manuscript library is carriing out its activities under the guidence of the Research department. Efforts are being taken to preserve these pieces, with the help of Ministry of Culture, teachers and research scholars of University.
This university has formulated comprehensive guidelines for the Ph.D. course covering different aspects pertaining to course work, Research supervision and evalutaion, anti-plagiarism measures, award of degree, uploading of thesis in INFLIBNET and fellowships/scholarships.
Our Vision
The research department will create an excellent environment to support Sanskrit scholars and Sanskrit researchers and to be leaders in the creation of a research environment that globally for the advancement of socially relevant research that dominates the world stage.
Our Mission
To enable the achievement of excellence by the research community, the department of Research:
• create a environment for research in sanskirt texts.
• Promotes the ethical conduct of research, and compliance.
• Enhances researchers’ abilities to obtain and manage grants.
• Broadens awareness of the value of research.
• Enhances the ability to perform research in a global community.
Objectives :
• To impart the knowledge of traditional text, thought, teaching and research.
• To undertake various research projects on Contemporary Sanskrit Literature.
• To edit and publish unpublished Sanskrit text and Manuscripts.
• To welcome the comparative studies of treditional & Modern Sanskrit Literature.
• To conduct international and national seminars on various aspects of Ancient & Modern Sanskrit Shastras.
Research Focus :
• Contemporary Sanskrit Shastras and Manuscriptes.
• Bimonthly meet for Research Scholars.
• Undertaking research projects on focused research areas.
• Research Paper Publication in Journals of Research Scholar.
1. Organizing Pre Ph.D (Vidyavardihi) six monthly course-work.
2. Classes and Training programs for pre Ph.D courses
3. Organizing lectures and workshops for the Ph.D. and of the University.
4. Compiling, publishing and disseminating scholarly contributions and original books which have potential for adding to the fresh interpretation of knowledge.
5. Publishing Shodhaprabha (ISSN-0974-8946) a quarterly (Trilingual) research journal regularly Approved by U.G.C.
6. Publishing Vishwavidyalya Varta (quarterly Sanskrit Newspaper of University.)
7. Participating in the world book fairs.
8. Assisting in the publication of research journals and seminar.
9. Publishing proceedings of various departments.
10. Collection and preservation of manuscripts.
The publication of Vishwavidyalayavarta is an important activity of the department, in which all the academic activities related to the university are published, in order to continuously acquaint the Sanskrit world with all the activities of the university, the publication of the quarterly Vishwavidyalayavarta is being done by the Research Department from 2016. In this, the specific activities done in each department of the university are mentioned. This is the quarterly newspaper of the university in Sanskrit language., Head of the Research Department, Prof. Shivshankar Mishra is editor of Vishwavidyalayavarta. Dr. Parmesh Kumar Sharma, Assistant Professor of Education Department and Taruna Awasthi, Research Assistant are Co-editor of its. Through Vishwavidyalayavarta, all the activities of the university were made available to the distinguished scholars and Sanskrit enthusiasts of the Sanskrit world. The published issues of the Vishwavidyalayavarta are available on the websiteof the University.
Department of Research has been established for the conservation, editing, publication and specialized research in various fields of Sanskrit Vangmaya. The work of editing and publication of various books is done by the department from time to time. Editing and publication of quarterly research journal Shodh Prabha is a major activity of this department. This journal is UGC CARE listed with ISSN-0974-8946. The publication of Shodhprabha is done continuously since 1978. Research papers of young researchers along with distinguished scholars of Sanskrit are published in the said journal. According to the instructions of the Research Publication Advisory Committee, the specific essays recommended for publication by the Shodh Prabha Editorial Board and referees.
Collection of Manuscripts
The department has collection of 1697 manuscripts related to various subjects. These texts belong to different branches of Sanskrit literature. Among them Vedas, Upanishads, Grammar, Puranas, Astrology, Vedanta, Sankhya Yoga, Nyaya, Literature, Music and Ayurveda etc. are prominent. According to the instructions of Shrimad Jagadgurushankaracharya Sharda Sarvagya Peetham, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, 1000 paper manuscripts, 200 books and 125 issues of 'Shodhprabha' quarterly research magazine have been scanned and converted into e-texts. The making of E-version of retaining texts is under process. E-texts of these manuscripts, books and issues of 'Shodhprabha' Available at archive.orh/deatils/@lal bahadur shastri university
Ph.D. Research Scholars
S. No. | Title | Download |
1 | PhD Research Scholar 2019-24 | Download (668.11 KB) ![]() |
S. No. | Title | Year | Duration | Download |
1 | शोधप्रविधिराष्ट्रियकार्यशाला | 2015 | 11th February-19th February | Download Report |
2 | पाण्डुलिपि एवं लिपिविज्ञान कार्यशाला | 2016 | 22nd February-04th March | Download Report |
3 | नचिकेताराष्ट्रियकार्यशाला | 2016 | 21st July - 27th July | Download Report |
4 | पाण्डुलिपि एवं लिपिविज्ञान कार्यशाला | 2017 | 03rd March- 24th March | Download Report |
5 | सप्तदिवसीया राष्ट्रिया विचारसागरकार्यशाला | 2017 | 04th October-10th October | Download Report |
6 | पाण्डुलिपि एवं लिपिविज्ञान कार्यशाला | 2019 | 11th March-23rd March | Download Report |
7 | पाण्डुलिपि एवं लिपिविज्ञान कार्यशाला | 2020 | 03rd February-14th February | Download Report |
8 | पाण्डुलिपि एवं लिपिविज्ञान कार्यशाला | 2022 | 26th February-07th March | Download Report |
9 | पाण्डुलिपि एवं लिपिविज्ञान कार्यशाला | 2023 | 13th March-22th March | Download Report |
10 | एकदिवसीयशोधकार्यशालाप्रतिवेदनम् | 2024 | 04 March, 2024 | Download Report |
S. No. | Title | Year | Date | Download |
1 | शोधप्रविधिविषये विशिष्टव्याख्यानम् | 2018 | 28th September | Download Report |
2 | आचार्यवाचस्पति-उपाध्याय-स्मारकव्याख्यानमाला | 2019 | 19th March | Download Report |
3 | आचार्यवाचस्पति-उपाध्याय-स्मारकव्याख्यानमाला | 2019 | 29th November | Download Report |
4 | आचार्यवाचस्पति-उपाध्याय-स्मारकव्याख्यानमाला | 2020 | 26th July | Download Report |
5 | 'शोध में नैतिकता' विषये आभासीयविशिष्टव्याख्यानम् | 2021 | 08th & 13th March | Download Report |