Ph. D. Course

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Courses Faculty of Ved-Vedanga Faculty of Darshan Faculty of Sahitya and Sanskriti Faculty of Education Fees
Subject Subject Subject Subject Total Amount(Rs.)
Vashistacharya (M. Phill.) (One years) (Two Semesters) Veda, Paurohitya, Dharamshastra, Prachin Vyakarana, Navya Vyakarana, Phalit Jyotish, Sidhant Jyotish, Vastushastra Prachin Nyaya, Navya Nyaya, Sarva Darshan, Sankhya Yog, Advaita Vedant, Vishishtha Advaita Vedant, Jain Darshan, Mimamsa Sahitya, Puranetihas, Prakrit Education 4020*
Vidyavaridhi (Ph. D.) (As per UGC Regulation 2016 Min. duration 03 Years and Max. Years 06 Years) Veda, Paurohitya, Dharamshastra, Prachin Vyakarana, Navya Vyakarana, Phalit Jyotish, Sidhant Jyotish, Vastushastra Prachin Nyaya, Navya Nyaya, Sarva Darshan, Sankhya Yog, Advaita Vedant, Vishishtha Advaita Vedant, Jain Darshan, Mimamsa Sahitya, Puranetihas, Prakrit Education *4850

*Detailed structured of fees provided below

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Courses Eligibility Criteria
Vashistacharya (M. Phill.) (One years) (Two Semesters)
  • A candidate shall be eligible for admission to the M.Phil. programme, if he/she holds: A Master's degree with at least 55% marks in the aggregate or its equivalent grade 'B' in the UGC 7-point-scale (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever grading system is followed) or an equivalent degree from a foreign educational institution accredited by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency which is approved, recognised or authorised by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country, or any other statutory authority in that country for the purpose of assessing, accrediting or assuring quality and standards of educational institutions.
  • A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, may be allowed for those belonging to the SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently-abled and other categories of candidates, as per the decision of the Commission from time to time, or for those who had obtained their Master's degree prior to 19th September, 1991. The eligibility marks of 55% (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible based only on the qualifying marks without including the grace mark procedures.
  • The cases of students who have passed examination outside the Indian Universities system and who may not have obtained a Master's degree in relevant subject may be considered for admission to the programme, subject to the condition that each case shall be examined on its own merit by the Admissions Committee and in accordance with the recommendations of the Equivalence Committee.
  • The entire M.Phil., programme, including M.Phil. dissertation, shall be completed ordinarily in 2 (two) consecutive semesters/one year. The M.Phil. course work shall ordinarily be completed in the first semester.
  • Passing the Entrance Test conducted by the University
  • As per UGC regulation 2016 a Professor at any given point of time cannot guide more than 3(three) research students, an Associate Professor 2(two) and Assistant Professor 1(one).
  • Minimum age limit 22 years
Vidyavaridhi(Ph. D.) (As per UGC Regulation 2016 Min. duration 03 Years and Max. Years 06 Years)
  • A Master's degree with at least 55% marks in the aggregate or its equivalent grade 'B' in the UGC 7-point-scale (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever grading system is followed) or an equivalent degree from a foreign educational institution accredited by an Assessment and Accreditation Agency which is approved, recognised or authorised by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country, or any other statutory authority in that country for the purpose of assessing, accrediting or assuring quality and standards of educational institutions.
  • Candidates who have cleared the M.Phil. Course work with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade 'B' in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and successfully completing the M.Phil. Degree shall be eligible to proceed to do research work leading to the Ph.D. Degree in the same Institution in an integrated programme. A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/differently-abled and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the Commission from time to time.
  • Duration of the Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D.) programme is minimum 3(three) years and maximum 6(six) years.
  • Passing the All India Combined Entrance Test followed by interview
  • As per UGC regulation 2016 a Professor at any given point of time cannot guide more than 8(Eight) research students, an Associate Professor 6(six) and Assistant Professor 4(four).


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Sr. No. Class Admission Fee Identity Card Exam Fee Computer Fee Different Activities University Development Fund Library Fee Library Fee Refund Journal Fee Sport Faculty Development S.W Fee Syllabus Total
1 Vashistacharya (M.Phil.) 120 50 350 30 300 -- 300 1000 120 100 1500 50 100 4020
2 Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D.) 620 50 50 30 100 -- 1000 1000 250 100 1500 50 100 4850