Department of Yoga

Shiv Shankar Mishra
Prof. Markandey Nath Tiwari
Head of Department
Professor, Department of Sankhya Yoga
01.06.2024 to further order

Yoga is the most ancient system of physical and mental development. For centuries it has been practiced by Yogis, sages and seers in order to attain the highest goal of life i.e. emancipation or salvation (Kaivalya or Moksha). Yoga helps to attain physical balance, mental peace, spinal flexibility and purification of nervous system. These attainments gradually lead to awakening of Kundalini (Serpent Power) and its upward movement by piecing Mooladhara (Root Chakra), etc. Yoga is different from physical exercise as it is practiced while focusing attention on breathing.

The human being can attain their health and vitality by regular practice of Yoga. The Yoga helps to attain mental equilibrium and manifest hidden powers within. It also improves will power and achievement in all areas of life. Human beings can easily reach the highest place of self-realization through it i.e. he/she may be capable to identify with his/her real nature/self. Patanjali said (PYS: 1/3: Tada Drashtu Swarutenawasthanam) “then the Yogi establishes in its true nature.”

The Yoga is a unique mind/body system based on micro relationship amongst its methods with mind and body. It is also a method of perfection (sidhies) in other types of Yoga such as The Yoga of Action (Karma Yog), Emancipation (Raja Yog), Devotion (Bhakti Yog), Wisdom (Jnana Yog), etc.

The Godden Womb (Hiranyagarbha) is considered the first pioneer f Yoga (Mahabharata: 12-349-65: Hiranyagarbo Yogasya Vakata Naanyah Puratanah). But Maharishi Patanjali has been accepted as the fist Yogi who organized knowledge of Yoga in forms of aphorism (sutras). He proposed the philosophy of Yoga (Yog Darshan) in form of aphorism (sutras) while accepting meaning of Yoga as complete meditative absorption or emancipation (PYS: 1/2: Yogashchittavrittinirodhah). The Yoga philosophy is mainly about eight limbs of Ashthanga Yoga in which meanings and fruits of each limb are explained. Ultimately the fruit of Yoga as emancipation has been proven with right knowledge (Praman). It has been said the life is Yoga, Yoga is salvation.

In order to promote and propagate original and authentic Yoga and educate prospective Yoga Instructors and Teachers, our university (University) established the Yoga-Science Center (Yoga-Vijana Kendra) in the academic session 2011-2012 Since then two courses have been conducted under the Center - six months’ Certificate Course in Yoga and one year's Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga. Till date, over 1000 males and females students have successfully attained their relevant Yoga education. Our Yoga students are promoting and propagating Yoga and serving in their capacities in India and abroad. The most of our Yoga students are earning their livelihood with dignity and several of them achieved National and International awards.

In view of increasing psycho-somatic disorders (adhi) and diseases (vyadhis) among the general populace and accepting practical aspects of Yoga for prevention and management of the same, Indian Government took initiative to establish Yoga departments in various university. In the same order, an independent Yoga Department established in Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University (SLBSNS, University), Delhi under aegis of University Grant Commission (UGC, a statutory organization of Government of India for coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of teaching, examination and research in University education).

In the current session of 2018-2019, 50 seats alloted for students of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and 100 seats for Master of Art (M.A.) which have been occupied by male and female students of their relevant degrees. The Yoga students study the following subjects under the Yoga Department.

Fundamentals of Yoga, Human Consciousness, Bhagwatgeeta & Sankhya Philosophy (Sankhya Karika), Human Anatomy & Physiology, Patanjal Yoga Sutra, Principles of Hatha Yoga, Principles & Methods of Yoga Teaching, Research Methodology & Statistics, Yoga Therapy, Upanishad, Philosophy (Darshan) & Sanskrit Language, Principles & Practices of Naturopathy, Marma Therapy, Discipline Specific Elective Subjects, Yoga Skill Development, Computer. In addition, participating in practical Yoga classes is compulsory for all the students of Yoga degrees.

University Grant Commission approved three vacancies for teaching aforesaid subjects of Yoga degree course. In the future, more vacancies of the department are expected by fulfill by UGC.
Under the Yoga department of SLBSNSU, six months’ Certificate Course in Yoga as well as one year Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga are also conducted.
Professor (Dr.) Veer Sagar Jain is leading the department as Coordinator/Head of Yoga Department.

Best Practice: PhD Program in Yoga

Objectives of the Practice: The initiative aims to establish a pioneering PhD program in Yoga, aligning with SLBSNSU's vision of holistic education. The primary objectives include advancing scholarly contributions and integrating traditional wisdom with ancient and modern research methodologies.

The Context: Recognizing the global resurgence of interest in Yoga, SLBSNSU identified a gap in advanced research opportunities and challenges and wishes to redress the problem.

The Practice: SLBSNSU introduced a unique PhD program in Yoga, blending traditional teachings with modern research approaches. The curriculum encompasses classical texts, experiential learning, and interdisciplinary studies. Challenges such as faculty scarcity and infrastructure needs were addressed through collaborations with experienced practitioners and strategic investments.

Evidence of Success: The program admitted 18 students in 2022-23, showcasing success through research publications, conference participation, and completed dissertations. Initial reviews indicate a positive impact on the academic community, with students and faculty contributing significantly to the field.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required: Challenges included faculty shortage and infrastructure needs, met through collaborations and strategic investments in research facilities and faculty training.

Notes: This practice not only enhances academic rigor but also promotes physical and mental well-being, offering a model for institutions to integrate traditional knowledge into contemporary education.

Study Material/References

S. No.TitleDownload
1Ph.D Yoga Student ListDownload (11.15 KB) xlsx

Faculty Details

S. No. Photo Name Department Designation
1 Ramesh Kumar Dr. Ramesh Kumar Department of Yoga ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
2 Vijay Singh Gusain Dr. Vijay Singh Gusain Department of Yoga ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
3 Navdeep Joshi Dr. Navdeep Joshi Department of Yoga ASSISTANT PROFESSOR