Mahamahopadhyay Padamsri Dr. Madan Mishra Granthalaya
Introduction :
The Library is intended for educational purpose, which shall be an abode of knowledge to be named as Maha Mahopadhyaya Padam Shri Dr. Mandan Mishra Granthalaya. The Library has rich collection of Sanskrit Books viz. Philosophy, Sanskrit Literature, Epics, Vyakarana, Dharmashastra, Astrology, etc. The Library has an informative collection to quench the quests and to supplement the educational, knowledge needs of the students, researchers and members of the faculty.
The University library is housed in a commodious building having a total floor area of 586 sqm. on the ground and first floors with 290 sqm. of stocking accommodation. It has about 63926 books of various subjects of learning. In view of the current requirements, 35 journals are subscribed by the library. The library also provides Book Bank facility to the needy students. By the year 2003-2004 the Book Bank had a collection of 4550 books. Seats have been earmarked to facilitate undisturbed and effective use of the library.
Library Committee :
The following are some of the reasons why a library committee is needed:
- Serves as a buffer agency between the library authority and the librarian
- Serves as an interpreter of the requirements of the library to the community and authorities and to plead for more funds
- Assesses the financial support required by the library as per the library standards
- Extends support to the librarian to defend important decisions having implication to the users
- Ensures better understanding between the library policy and users
- Gives suggestions for the improvement
Functions of a library committee :
- Formulate library policies and objectives
- Plan overall development programmes and activities
- Compile and review the rules and regulations relating to the best use of library resources
- Lay down the policy of weeding of documents
- Approve the recommendations of the Librarian on the Staff requirements and appointments
- Keep a watch over the implementation of Library Policy by Library Staff
- Appoint sub committees on book purchase, staff recruitments and financial provision etc