
S. No. Details
541 Office order regarding the formation of Departmental Research Review Committee of Philosophy Download (610.23 KB) pdf
542 Office notification regarding change in the rates of tea, food etc. in the guest house of the university Download (819.02 KB) pdf
543 Office notice regarding Shri Jivan Sharma, Pre Ph.D. Presentation Download (517.13 KB) pdf
544 Office notice regarding Shri Arvind Kumar Arya, Pre Ph.D. Presentation Download (568.65 KB) pdf
545 Office order regarding appointment of guest teacher Download (658.02 KB) pdf
546 Office order regarding the formation of 'शिक्षाशास्त्र विभागीय शोध समीक्षा समिति' Download (705.4 KB) pdf
547 Office order regarding organizing 'सांख्यकारिका गौड़पादभाष्य स्वाध्यायशाला' through online/offline mode Download (699.59 KB) pdf
548 India Knowledge System & NEP-2020 Download (974.25 KB) pdf
549 Office order regarding the organization of national seminar and lecture series by Darshan Peeth Download (13.06 MB) pdf
550 Information regarding organizing Acharya Vachaspati Upadhyay Memorial Lecture Series Download (716.31 KB) pdf
