The Library provides the following services: -
- The Library follows the Open Access system
- There are two reading rooms in the Library. One for students and the other for teachers and researchers
- Newspaper Clipping services are provided to the users
- The Library also provides Book Bank facility to the students. Each student may be issued 2 books against his/her name in the session
- Consultation and Reference services
- Display of latest editions - books and journals
- Photocopy services
- Lending/ borrowing of documents
Circulation Section Timing:
Monday to Friday :
- 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
- 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Library Rules
Only registered members are allowed to use the Library
- A member shall enter his/her name, class, purpose of visit, time of entry, exit time etc. and put his/her signature legibly in the relevant register kept at the entrance for the purpose, failing which his presence will be treated as unauthorized
- Members should produce their ID cards at the entrance of the Library
- Readers are not allowed to bring personal books or any other printed materials and other personal belongings like bags, umbrellas, etc. inside the library. These materials are to be kept at the property counter at their own risk. The Readers' are advised not to leave their precious and valuable items like money, mobile etc. at the property counter. Loss of any material will be readers responsibility
- Readers should observe strict silence and switch off their mobile phones etc. in the library premises
- Readers' tickets are non-transferable
- Duration of Book loan to the students is 15 days (for all classes except Researchers). In case of default, late fine will be charged @1 Rupee/day for textbook and .50 paise/day on general book
- Two copies of same book will not be issued to any student and no book will be issued without the production of the Identity Card
- Books of Shastri and Acharya will not be issued to B.Ed & M.Ed students and the same vice verca
- Reference books, dictionaries, yearbooks, manuscripts and rare books will not be issued. However, in exceptional circumstances such books can be issued maximum for three days with the permission of the Vice Chancellor/Registrar
- Borrowers must satisfy themselves with the physical condition of books before borrowing
- Members are responsible for the books issued against their lost tickets
- In case of Lost of Books the person should replace either lost book or deposit thrice the value of the cost as per library rules
- Any student if caught while stealing or tearing a book will be punished strictly, which may entail his/her rustication from the University or financial penalty as per the decision of the library committee
- The loss of Readers ticket should be informed immediately by the student to the library. A Duplicate Ticket will be issued on deposit of a fine of Rs. 10
- Readers should not write in, mark or otherwise disfigure/ damage books, furniture etc
- Magazines and Journals for reading can be issued on the identity card
- Library can recall any issued Book even before the due date
- On the recommendation of the librarian and with approval of the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor the students of other colleges, teachers and other book loving people can be given the Special Membership of the library
Future plans
- The library is in the process of computerization. The library committee will take adequate steps for the procurement of good software
- The database creation of library collections is topmost priority.